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Dig In Program

What is Dig In?

IMBA’s Dig In Program, founded by Shimano, provides an avenue for IMBA Local Partner organizations to raise funds for mountain bike projects nationwide. IMBA and Shimano run a national marketing campaign and provide grant opportunities. The goal is to bridge the gap between local and national fundraising efforts, and show new audiences how inspirational and vital trails are to local riders and communities. Experience shows that well planned projects earn early fundraising which can often lead to additional funding needed to complete the project.

Check back for the 2024 application period!

Looking to apply? Please check out this Dig In application presentation

Three volunteers working on trail, funded by Shimano's Dig In program
Dig In founded by Shimano
Bridging the gap between local and national fundraising efforts.
Photo courtesy of: Robert King

Dig In Program in Detail

IMBA will select projects submitted quarterly by IMBA Local Partner organizations to solicit funding via online peer-to-peer crowdsourcing model on Each project will be eligible for $5,000 of matching funds from IMBA corporate partners once the project reaches $5,000 in online donations. IMBA will distribute these funds on a quarterly basis once the project has run its quarterly cycle. IMBA Local Partner organizations will receive 90% of all online donations and 10% will be retained by IMBA for processing fees and for general program support.


What types of projects will be considered?
  • Projects on public lands that are free and open to the public and serve mountain bikers as the primary users, though multi-purpose human-powered trail uses are viable as well.

  • Projects that will result in a visible and substantial increase in access, improved mountain bike experiences, and greater community benefit.

  • Projects where the Dig In Program stands to leverage additional resources to ensure the success of the project.

  • Projects that promote community development, volunteer recruitment, new rider development, youth riding, and engaging marginalized community members. Higher preference will be given to projects that demonstrate a focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

  • A declined request does not imply that the project is not needed or valued. Those who do not receive a grant award may apply again in subsequent rounds.


Who Can Apply?

IMBA Local Partner organizations, both Chapter-level and Affiliate-level organizations, who are not-for-profit corporations are eligible to submit an application for Dig In. Projects which are primarily based on private land are not eligible to apply.


Applying for Dig In

The Dig In application can be found in your organization's dashboard at and will be available quarterly for your submission.

  • All IMBA Local Partner organizations interested in applying for a Dig In must submit a completed application. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

  • Calls will be scheduled with some applicants to further discuss their proposals. If selected for a call, please do not consider this as approval for Dig In.

  • All organizations with an approved Dig In project will be required to announce their participation and will be required to market their project in their outlets with materials provided by IMBA.

  • Dig In will run year-round with each project being listed on for the duration of one full quarter (three months) of the fundraising campaign.


Can I apply more than once with the same project?

If your project is chosen to be posted on to receive funds, then no, you cannot apply more than once with the same project. If your project has multiple phases, you can apply for each phase. For example, you can apply for the planning, design and construction phases of your project.

If your project is not chosen to receive funds through Dig In, then you can resubmit your previous application during the next application round.


How does the match work with Dig In?

Each Dig In project on will be eligible for a $5,000 contribution match from IMBA’s corporate partners once the project’s online donation amount reaches $5,000.


When do we receive our Dig In funds?

If your organization is set up to receive direct deposits, your funds will be deposited directly no more than 30 days after the end of the quarter. If your organization is not set up on direct deposit, your organization will receive a check, mailed to the address on file, no more than 45 days after the end of the quarter.


Does IMBA keep any Dig In contribution dollars?

All donated proceeds go to Dig In projects. IMBA retains a 10% of each online donation to cover credit processing fees, staff time to manage the program and reinvest into the Local Program support services.


Where can I see how much money my project has generated?

You can find a contribution breakdown for your project in the Chapter Leader Dashboard under the Dig In tab.


What are the reporting requirements after a project is completed?

Your organization will be provided an online form to keep IMBA and other funding partners updated on the progress of your project at six months and one year. This follow-up helps IMBA, our funding partners and your organization tell a complete story about the project. The more successes we can talk about, the more funding we can leverage for the program.



Questions about Dig In? Contact us.

Image Anthony Duncan

I’ve seen the bubble of the coal industry and how the decline of the industry has devastated many of the communities surrounding my hometown. Helping communities and chapters with similar issues look past their economic hardships and embrace the natural assets that surround them is what drives me. Mountain biking changed my life and I believe it can change the lives of countless others if given the opportunity.

Meet our team
Anthony Duncan

Director of Local Programs


Support Mountain Biking

Our vision is that everyone has a place to ride a mountain bike. You can help make that happen!
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