Sustainable trails, elevated
As trails have become increasingly sophisticated in design and construction, so has the need for advanced management and maintenance.
What’s in a school?
A Trail Management School is designed to equip land management professionals with knowledge and skills to efficiently manage their trail systems in a way that meets their agencies’ objectives and offers the best trail user experience. From assessment, to operations and maintenance plans, and working effectively with volunteers; there are a myriad of solutions for modern trail challenges.

Hosting a Trail Management School
This school is typically two days in length with IMBA instructor(s) traveling to your location to deliver the class to staff or members. Instructors arrive the day before to assess the site and do any necessary preparations. Organizations, clubs, or groups can contact IMBA to deliver the class in their area. It is the host’s responsibility to receive any necessary permissions for an event.
Currently, we are scheduling a minimum of 90 days out for any programs. Pricing is dependent upon the number of participants for the field portion. Schools can accommodate more attendees in the classroom portion. Pricing includes staff travel costs and fees.
- $5,400=Up to 10 participants for the field portion (1 Instructor)
- $10,800=Up to 20 participants for the field portion (2 instructors)