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For Women

Ride Together

International Women's Mountain Biking Day is celebrated annually on the first Saturday in May. It's a day for women riders to gather, experience, and share their stoke for mountain biking! Tag your rides with #WomensMTBDay!

Community Driven

Women’s Mountain Biking Day originated from the 2018 IMBA UPRISING event—our first-ever women’s conference. Attendees were asked to share their best ideas for engaging more women in mountain biking. A day dedicated to women enjoying mountain biking with each other and encouraging fellow women to join them was dreamed up by Andree Sanders of Trips for Kids Metro New York. Thank you for inspiring us!

Grab the Logo


Two women at a trailhead talking and laughing on their bikes. They are muddy and happy.
How Women Earn Their Turns
2024 Theme

How Do I Participate?

Women’s Mountain Biking Day is social media-driven. Organizations and individuals are encouraged to use the day as a catalyst for grassroots engagement, festivals, rides, awareness campaigns, and other activities to both celebrate and encourage women riding mountain bikes.

Women riding a jump line.

Plan a special ride or skills practice with your mountain biking friends who identify as women. Ride your favorite trail, discover a new trail, or visit your local skills park. Take your mom, sister, daughter, or partner for their first mountain bike ride. Set up a virtual challenge to ride the same trail, route, or mileage, and record your efforts with a fitness tracking app. Host an organized, women-only mountain bike ride via a local bike club or shop. 

Women volunteers working on trails.

Organize a women-only trail volunteer day. Connect with your local mountain biking trail organization or trail crew. Clean up your local trails. Share trail maintenance and trail tool use tips. Learn why volunteering to maintain your local trails is important. 

Women riders chatting during a ride.

Host a women-only skills night or advocacy talk. Skills night could include bike maintenance basics, mountain biking trail etiquette, and bike handling techniques. You could give a presentation on how to become more involved in trails and outdoor recreation in their community. How can women mountain bikers advocate for more resources, access, youth programming, and more where they live?

Women riders at a gathering.

Host a women's night with a local bike shop. Show inspirational films, network, swap stories, and make new friends. Get to know who is in the mountain biking community, and give those who are curious a chance to come out and ask questions in a friendly environment.

Women riders gather before a ride.
Photo courtesy of: Brandi Keltner

Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper issued an official proclamation declaring May 5th, 2018, as Women’s Mountain Biking Day. It is an honor that the Governor recognized the important role women play for mountain biking in communities across Colorado. Can your elected officials and community leaders help amplify your #WomensMTBDay message?

Read the Proclamation


Explore our collection of blogs about engaging more women in mountain biking, plus personal and inspirational stories from female riders.

Whenever you ride, however you ride, wherever you ride, and whatever you ride with, we invite you to ride with us. Mountain bikers are not defined by frequency, skill, speed, or equipment. Passion for knobby-tire rides makes you a mountain biker!

Katherine Fuller

Bikepacking Roots

Blog Community 04.18.19
May 4th is International #womensmtbday
Read story
Trail Angles, Orange County, California
Blog Community 04.30.20
International Women's MTB Day 2020
Read story
Blog Community 05.04.18
Supporting the Ladies on #womensmtbday
Read story
IMBA Uprising Blog Image
Blog Community 03.26.18
Read story
Blog Campaigns and Announcements 05.03.22
From Bicycle Face to a New Face of Mountain Biking
Read story
Women of Sand Point, Idaho in mountain biking gear talking trails in a green grass field surrounded by pines.
Sand Point, Idaho
Striking a Balance for Bikers
Women-led Effort
Mountain biking woman riding in desert near large cacti
Women of MTB
A New Face of Mountain Biking
Women riders rise!
start of women's mountain bike race with pink race numbers and a host of women racers holding IMBA banner.
Girls Riding Together
A brunette woman adaptive mountain biker weaves through trees and is followed by a male mountain biker.
Adaptive MTBers in Mind
Sustainable Trail Design
Empowering Access + COTA
Photo courtesy of: Matthew Fields
Jen Hanks riding in Washington, D.C.
2023 D.C. Fly In
Jen Hanks: Advocate
MTB Advocacy
alex with her bike and dog in a foggy, mossy wood
Alex Showerman
Women Trail Builders Series
Women Building Trails
Lady mountain biker contemplating a medium rock drop while another rider monitors.
Maeve Nevins-Lavtar
Women Manage Land
Master Planning
Lisa Baynes
Women Trail Builders Series
Women Build Trails

IMBA is a signatory of the CAMBER Outdoors CEO pledge—a commitment of outdoor industry organizations to attract, retain, and advance women in their workplaces.
