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Economic Benefits of Mountain Biking

Economic Benefits of Mountain Biking

cover of Trust for Public Land report entitled Economic Benefits of Mountain Biking

Smaller cities and rural communities that invest in natural surface trail networks for bicycling can expect tangible economic benefits in the form of increased tourism, new business formation, increased spending from new residents attracted to trails, and easy access to the outdoors. 

Trust for Public Land (TPL) and IMBA conducted a literature review to better understand the economic benefits of mountain biking tourism in the U.S.

Mountain biking trails create employment opportunities: across the 13 locations included in the report, the trail networks generated up to 1,626 jobs and $54.1 million in labor income each year. The report highlights several successful mountain biking projects and special events across the country, and it outlines best practices for trail development, including inclusive stakeholder collaboration and trail design, conflict mitigation, and long-term sustainability planning. By addressing potential challenges such as environmental impacts and housing pressures, communities can maximize the benefits of their outdoor recreation economies. Learn more in the report! 
