Protect Funding for Maryland’s Trails
Routt County Riders need your support for the Mad Rabbit Trails Project near Steamboat Springs, CO.
On Tuesday, December 3rd, the Steamboat Springs City Council will vote on funding for the Mad Rabbit Trails Project. If you are a member of the Steamboat Springs community and someone who feels passionately about mountain biking and trails in the area, Routt County Riders (RCR) needs you to show support through participation and representation at the City Council Meeting.
For more information, check out RCR’s Call to Action. This is about representation of support for the project in the community: numbers matter!
The City Council Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 3rd at 5pm. Plan your participation via the options below.
- View the agenda.
- If you are a member of the community or visiting the area, join in person! Citizens’ Meeting Room, Centennial Hall; 124 10th Street, Steamboat Springs, CO
- If you are passionate about the trails near Steamboat Springs and prefer to join virtually, log in via Zoom. Login information is available on the agenda. You can log in virtually, or call in. When the audience is addressed, you will be able to raise your hands in support!
- If you are passionate about the trails near Steamboat Springs, or unable to attend, submit a public comment electronically before the meeting. The form requires your first and last name and your email address. You will select City Council as the department you wish to contact. Then you can type or upload your comment, and submit.
- Please consider including the following statement: Please vote to support the Mad Rabbit Trails Project. Please vote to allocate 2A funds to support the Mad Rabbit Trails Project!
- You can also write an email. Please address the Members of the City Council at [email protected], and cc: [email protected] with your emails in support of the Mad Rabbit Trails Project and its 2A funding.
Reminder: Substantive comments are concise, connected, respectful, and relevant. Include who you are, your role in the community or connection to the community, and your statement or perspective on the City’s funding of the Mad Rabbit Trails Project. Keeping it simple is AOK.
Other points to consider in crafting your statement:
- As evidenced by our robust, multi-user trail use and busy trailheads, Steamboat Springs is in need of additional responsible multi-use trail development along the Highway 40 corridor. Please vote yes to allocate existing 2A Trails funding for use of developing the approved Mad Rabbit Trails project.
- The 2A was funded entirely by visitors to Steamboat who are looking for high quality trails. Funding the Mad Rabbit plan can help responsibly accommodate these visitors and local residents alike with a balanced, sustainable, conservation-through-recreation approach.
- A well-managed and maintained trail system, with temporal wildlife closures in place, is a critical conservation action because it prevents and mitigates unmanaged social trails. The USFS's Mad Rabbit decision improves upon years of unmet trail demand in an appropriate manner. Please vote to support this important work.
Example: As a mother, voter, and member of the Steamboat Springs community, I want to see the City Council vote to fund the Mad Rabbit Trails Project. Please vote yes to allocate existing 2A Trails Funding for use in the Mad Rabbit Trails Project. I build my family's health and community connections on our trails. Thank you!
Example: As a someone whose tourism dollars regularly contribute to Steamboat Springs 2A funding, and a father of three who loves to recreate in the area, I hope to see the City Council vote to support the Mad Rabbit Trails Project. Please vote yes in support of the project and to allocate 2A Funds for use in the Mad Rabbit Trails Project. Thank you for your service to the Steamboat Springs community, and all its visitors!
Last December (2023), your comments ensured that the voices of mountain bikers were heard as the United States Forest Service reviewed objections to the Mad Rabbit Trail Project. Thank you! Keep the momentum going!