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Trails are where we spend time with our people, find our flow, and keep our skills sharp. Riding opportunities are growing in more places and for all skill levels, at a pace that’s unprecedented. Riders and trail champions have been pulling together, and we’ve proven we can get amazing things done when we collaborate! 

One way to keep that momentum going is to join or renew with your IMBA Local Member Organization – they know your local riding scene, what the community needs and who to assemble to make it happen. 

If you want to help support more great local riding, one way you can help right now is to join your nearest IMBA Org, or more than one if you want. Since IMBA introduced the multi-membership option, some folks are joining other riding communities in addition to boosting their close to home trails. 

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Welcome To SORBA Orlando!                  

My name is Susan Van Bernum and I am the President of Sorba Orlando. We are so happy to have you join our group! 

The Power of Membership:  IMBA-SORBA uses the word association in its name for a reason. We're a formal group of like-minded people who want to ride their mountain bikes and have a great time doing it.  Individuals are the heart of our organization, but one person can't do it alone. We've come together, as an association, to be stronger, to have our voice heard. And we have been heard. Just look around the region at the great trails and strongchapters we have, and you know it is working.

Currently, SORBA is one of 48 Chapters operating seven southern states with about 8,500+ members.  It has its own leadership and staff and SORBA Chapters operate under SORBA’s 501c3.  

The chapters, as part of the SORBA organization, pledge to operate under the SORBA’s by-laws

and the operations manual.  All chapters come together twice a year in regional meetings to elect SORBA officers, set policy direction, share information, and best practices on everything from trail building to fund raising.  SORBA’s 44 Chapters work closely together often sharing work days and always sharing information.

SORBA is its own independent entity and because its main mission is aligned with IMBA’s, the two organizations are presently cooperating under a mutually beneficial agreement.  Essentially, in the spirit of the new IMBA Local program, SORBA purchases services from IMBA that would be much costlier if SORBA would attempt to duplicate those operations locally.  SORBA has IMBA handle the membership processing of is chapters.  In addition, SORBA benefits from savings on its tax filing, Human Resource services, and some banking operations.  IMBA assists SORBA and the Chapters with programs like last year’s Dig IN program that raised thousands of dollars for SORBA Chapters. 

Because IMBA and SORBA have a 29 -year history of working together, SORBA and its chapters share vital policy chores focused on the Southeast.  As an example, SORBA staff and volunteers represent IMBA’s interests, (which are the same as SORBA’s) in USFS Forest planning processes and state wide recreational trail planning.

In conclusion local SORBA Chapters have a great deal of independence are not “managed” by IMBA. SORBA’s relationship with IMBA is unique, always evolving and always mutually beneficial.

SORBA Orlando has a Facebook page and a website (

Please join the Facebook page and check out our website. 

Thanks again for joining! 

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

See you on the Trails!

